Collapsed Wave contains my understanding of the world. I hope it will become useful as a glossary of quantum theory and Machine Learning concepts. I use it for other topics too. Notes are meant to be succinct, with details provided through linked pages, and easily searchable through the search bar.
- The ( many ) topics I want to better understand are aggregated by a single note: Help me ❓. If any of the backlinks in Help me ❓ are of interest to you, let’s have a chat!
- I hope you find the Notation choices made reasonable, even if some are unconventional.
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Motivational quotes
”Nobody understands quantum physics” - Richard Feynman
”Those who are not shocked when they first come across quantum mechanics cannot possibly have understood it” - Niels Bohr
”Quantum mechanics makes absolutely no sense” - Roger Penrose
”If it is correct, it signifies the end of physics as a science” - Albert Einstein
”I do not like it, and I am sorry I ever had anything to do with it” - Erwin Schrodinger
Visual learning
I find it easy to learn visually than textually. I build some visualizations, available under These tools make it great: