Branding is a big problem for small brands. We hope to fix that by using Transparent as a quality certification that could be shared by many smaller companies. The brand would be usable by anyone who uses our services. The services include a minimal quality of services provided to end clients, such as:

  1. Call center for help / questions / services provided

Why would businesses want this?

  1. We pool the call center functionality, reducing costs
  2. We increase user engagement & client care, increasing sales
  3. We aggregate actionable feedback to improve the effectiveness of product development.
  4. Our team becomes a client ( free of charge ), increasing customers and dog-fooding.


  1. How can we improve this offer?
  2. How should we turn the above into a business model?

Sales pitch

Bank story: there was a bank that was getting a lot of bug reports when they showed “no transactions” on the “transaction history” page. By changing that sentence to “No transactions in the past 3 months”, all reports went down. This is a clear example of how