Board game idea: similar vibes to nemesis, set in a political landscape. Rough layout:

  1. Setup
    1. Players are given a few political goals to achieve, with the entity that will pay them to do it.
    2. They can select however many they want.
    3. A success gives a point, a failure loses a point
  2. Rounds
    1. Each player receives 3 cards at random from a shared deck.
    2. A card contains
      1. a “slogan”
      2. a link to the scientific paper it is based on
      3. A description of it’s impact on the popular votes

Country description

Name: Liquistan Population: 100 million

Goals to select from


In favour / against

  1. Abortion
  2. Death sentence
  3. Euthanasia
  4. Drug legalisation


  1. 1st/2nd/3rd/etc child
  2. Marriage
  3. Green Vehicles


We can have goals to achieve certain expenditure levels in different sections of society

  1. Healthcare
  2. Police
  3. Military
  4. Education
  5. Legal system
  6. Public works
  7. Universal Basic Income


  1. Immigrant “slots”
  2. Tax rate for low income
  3. Tax rate for middle class
  4. Tax rate for high class
  5. Tax rate for businesses


  1. Overton window: is the public ready for idea X / could ideas have an impact dependent on the current political landscape?