For the code below, inputs are a 3D array, with the last dimension having size 3, for the distinct RGB Channels . The results can be shown by running plt.imshow(final_image)
Relevant imports
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import itertools
from scipy.ndimage import uniform_filter
from copy import deepcopy
Add a border while keeping the picture size
final_image = deepcopy(original_image)
final_image[ 0 : 20 ,:,:] = 1
final_image[original_image.shape[ 0 ] - 20 :original_image.shape[ 0 ],:,:] = 1
final_image[:, 0 : 20 ,:] = 1
final_image[:,original_image.shape[ 1 ] - 20 :original_image.shape[ 1 ],:] = 1
Add a border by extending the picture
final_image[ 20 :original_image.shape[ 0 ] + 20 , 20 :original_image.shape[ 1 ] + 20 ,:] = np.divide(original_image, 256 )
uniform_filter(deepcopy(original_image), size = ( 10 , 10 , 1 ))