While Apple and Windows is actively sold to you, Linux is only used by those who actively look for the best OS. That’s why:

If you already want to change, follow in on How to switch to Linux. If not, maybe one of the reasons below will convince you to change.

Saves Money

Apple is definitely expensive. The Bundling of Microsoft Windows with laptops, known as the Windows tax, makes the cost of Microsoft Windows invisible to the user, but translates into more expensive laptops when they come pre-installed with Windows.

Privacy by design

You don’t control your OS with Apple and Microsoft. The code running your data is owned by corporations, backed by their servers, and often shared with third parties for ad revenue. Microsoft’s Recall and their choice to push ads into the OS are good examples of such a problematic approach to privacy. Apple has a better track record, however we are still dependent on trusting a corporation.


Linux does not require trust: all code is publicly available, and read by an army of external software developers.


Our research shows a significant gap in the protection of macOS systems. Security controls on macOS endpoints prevented only 23% of attacks compared to 62% and 65% for Windows and Linux.

Source: https://www.picussecurity.com/resource/blog/blue-report-2024-reveals-40-percent-of-environments-exposed-to-full-take-over


Do you need something specific to your use case? Since all code is public, a lot of modifications have been applied and shared by the Linux community. This falls under more expert use, but if it can be done, it has been done in Linux.

Linux is backed by a strong community

Linux has been gaining ground without the resources of a massive corporation

And for every 3 systems with OS X, there is 1 system with Linux. Linux is no longer the exclusive domain of software developers.


Visit https://gs.statcounter.com/ to explore the data above in more detail