Continuation of the FOMO2024 School. Programme:

9th September

Universal matter-wave interferometry across the mass & complexity scales

By Markus Arndt Keywords: Kaptisa-Dirac effect, Talbot Lau interferometry

Differential Mach-Zehnder interferometry with trapped Bose Einstein condensates

By Fattori Marco Keywords: Optical tweezers, Beat-Note lattice, Spin ECHO, Fisher-Shannon plane

Author works with a Mach-Zehnder interferometer with a Bose-Einstein condensate in a double well. They manage to execute the simultaneous operation of multiple interferometers. See: Integrated Mach-Zehnder interferometer for Bose-Einstein condensates See:

Quantum simulation of string breaking dynamics

By Federica Surace Keywords: Variational quantum simulation, Hubbard Model, Rydberg atom array, string breaking

In Quantum Chromodynamics we can observe string breaking. If we have a quark and an antiquark close to each other, the flux tube connecting the tube as an associated Energy , where is the string tension and is the distance between the 2 Particles. It is possible to increase the distance ( maybe with something else I missed. Help me ❓ ) such that the flux tube is broken into 2 different ones, with the creation of a quark/antiquark particle pair created as a way to break the flux tube.

The above can be modelled through the Ising Model, with defining equation . In this setup we can observe constrainement ( What is this? Help me ❓ ), and we are hoping to see string breaking.

Enhancing parameter estimation for the non-linear Schrodinger Equation using Möbius transformations

By Reinhardt David Keywords: [[Gross–Pitaevskii equation]

Towards prime factorisation in holographic traps

By Donatella Cassettari

We want to build a potential that has the first primes as the energy levels. is built using a “chain” of Hamiltonians, using the supersymmetric quantum mechanics method. It is unclear what the method is. Help me ❓

See Holographic Realization of the Prime Number Quantum Potential

Idea by Renzo Testa: split the factorisation potential to have different primes present in each axis, to remove degeneracies in the factorisation.

Controlling ultra-cold atoms in optical lattices: theory and practice… but mostly practice

By Carrie Weidner Keywords: Sisyphus cooling, Bloch function, Wannier function, GKP state, Wigner function See: See: Non-Gaussian Quantum States and Where to Find Them

Matter-wave dynamics and topologies using radio-frequency fields

By Barry Garraway Keywords: Landau-Zener model See

Bloch-Landau-Zener oscillations in quasi-periodic potential

By Henrique Prates Keywords: Bloch oscillation, Landau-Zener oscillation

10th September

Maxwell Matter Waves: Coherence Properties, Generation and Applications

By Dana Anderson Keywords: Hamilton-Jacobi equations, Planck-Einstein frequency

Until now, there have been no resonant matter waves because we don’t have coherent matter wave sources.

Programmable quantum simulator with …

By Andrea Fantini Keywords: Rydberg blockade, Optical tweezers, Rydberg atom, Van-der Wall interaction, Sisyphus cooling, Strontium

Optimal atom-interferometer dark-matter detection

By Enno Giese Keywords: Einstein-Hilbert action, Compton frequency, parasitic Mach zehnder path, dichroic mirror pulse

Test of CPT and Lorentz invariance with a cold (anti)hydrogen beam

By Chloe Malbrunot Keywords: CPT symmetry, CPT Theorem, Dirac equation, Rydberg atom, beam method, Ramsey technique

Multi-axis atom interferometry for space

By Christian Struckmann Keywords: Quantum inertial sensing, Atom interferometry, Bragg diffraction, Gross-Pitaevskii equation See:

They use the software to simulate quantum systems using GPU accelerated hardware. The code is being kept private :(

Atom Interferometry in Space

By Mingsheng Zhan See:

Towards enhancement of large momentum transfer for fundamental physics

By Oliver Ennis ( add ) Keywords: Atom interferometry, Gradiometry, Strontium, Dopler detuning See:

The past, present, and future of ground-based laser-interferometric gravitational wave detection

By Michele Heurs Keywords: Quantum shot noise, Quantum radiation pressure noise, Einstein Telescope

Sketch of the LIGO interferometer

A large-momentum-transfer atomic mass

By Jesse Schelfhout ( ) Keywords: Ramsey interferometry, Ramsey-Bordet interferometry, Stark shift, Large Momentum Transfer

  • Look for a table for fundamental quantum physics estimations based on published papers, for any particle

Oxford implementation of the Grape algorithm in C++ . Seems to be surprisingly fast. See:

Optimal floquet engineering for large momentum transfer

By Alexandre Gauguet Keywords: Atom interferometry, Large Momentum Transfer, Aharonov-Bohm effect, Bragg diffraction, Floquet state

11th September

de Broglie waves and gravitation

By Mark Kasevich Keywords: Kasevich interferometer, Equivalence Principle Test See:

GW detection:

  • MIGA: Matter wave laser interferometric gravitation antenna ( France )

Gravity is not a pairwise local classical channel

Spatially resolved phase reconstruction

By Jan-Niclas Kirsten-Siems Similar to the work done at ONI, where the modelling of optical aberrations is useful to obtain information about the imaged object.

Measuring tidal phases and enhancing precision with squeezing techniques

By Klemens Hammerer Keywords: Heisenberg scaling, GEO600

CARIOQA-PMP: Towards a Pathfinder Mission for Quantum Space Gravimetry

By Thomas Leveque

Multi-axis inertial sensing

By Knut Stolzenberg

11th September

Nonlocal correlations and quantum gain in multi-parameter estimation

By Alice Sinatra Keywords: Welsh-Hadamard transform, collective dephasing

Exploring Tunnelling times with Ramsey clocks

By Patrik Schach Keywords: worldline, Hong-Ou-Mandel, Quantum tunnelling

Effective field theory for atoms And its applications in matter-wave interferometry

By Fabio Di Pumpo Keywords: scattering potential, Hubbard-Stratonovich transformation

Laser excitation of the Th-229 Nucleous

By Ekkerhard Peik Keywords: spin-statistics theorem, Thorium, Mossbauer system

Bayesian optimization for state engineering of quantum gases

By Gabriel Muller Keywords: Bayesian optimization See: See:

Angular Bloch oscillations and their applications

By Maxim Effremov Keywords: Bloch oscillation, Laguerre-Gaussian beams

Measurement of short ranged forces with quectonewton stability

By Franz Pereira Dos Santos Keywords: Casimir Polder force, Wannier-Stark states

Fractional angular momentum quantisation in Atomtronic circuits

By Juan polo Keywords: Josephson dynamics, AQUID

The goal is to build complex circuits to do quantum calculations and quantum sensing through the use of Ring potentials. We generate currents though ??, phase imprinting, the transfer of angular momentum of light or by rotating the trap potential. This gives us a quantised calculation, where we have a persistent current.

Atomtronic Rotation sensors

By Malcolm Boshier Keywords: SQUID, Sagnac interferometer, Sagnac area, Feshbach resonance

High performance gyroscope for rotational seismology

By Nathan Marliere

Multi-parameter quantum metrology with EPR entangled BECs

By Phillip Treutlein Keywords: EPR, Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle, EPR criterion, Entanglement criterion, squeezed state