We want to calculate the Drag Factor for a given object. By definition, we want to know the acceleration felt during a given time interval. In other words, how fast the speed changes. For this, we need to measure the change in speed, but we also need an extra measurement, which can be either time or distance travelled.


  • : Drag Force i.e. acceleration felt by the object. As the object considered is fixed, this value is a constant
  • For observation we also have:
    • : Initial Speed
    • : Final Speed
    • : Time between measurements
    • : Distance between measurements


This section summarizes the formulas we should use when given different data.

  • The Time Based Approach includes speeds and time measurements.
  • The Distance based approach includes speeds and distance measurements.

Time Based Approach

Given the set of observations where , the acceleration is best approximated by


We take a set of sample measurements formed by the triplets . Our measurements are not perfect, so we will need to model our uncertainty. We use the hidden variables as the true values of these measurements, with

with being the Normal Distribution .

With this model we can apply the Maximum Likelihood Estimation framework with

  • ( ) Model parameters: , , , , , , ,
  • ( ) Observations , , ,

In order to relate these three metrics we will use the formula , relating acceleration to the delta in speed and time. Under constant acceleration, we get the constraint . Notice that this relate the hidden variables and not the error-prone observations.


Given the normal distributions above, and noting that a Normal Distribution has pdf , we get that

Since we want to maximize this expression, we can take the log in order to simplify the equation without changing the solution. As such we are looking for

In order to include our key constraint for the acceleration , we use the method of Lagrange Multipliers to append the variables to our set of parameters and add the term to our expression for , knowing we want to find

Taking derivatives with respect to our parameters in , we get our system of equations

Derivatives with respect to , ,

Derivatives with respect to , ,

Multiplying both sides by we get


Derivatives with respect to

Derivative with respect to

Solving the system of equations

Gathering all of the equations above we get


Substituting the values of , and from the 1st three equations on all others we can get rid of these hidden variables, ending up with the simpler system

, and as above

Focusing on the equation

Which can be solved for as The equations for and can be simplified by multiplying both sides by and respectively, giving us

Focusing on the equation for , we get

Multiplying both sides by the positive number we get

Distance Based Approach

Will write this one down when I feel like it :)