Homeless is a frequent problem across the world. It affects the homeless themselves, and the systems around it: The UK estimates that the cost to homeless is between £24k and £30k per person. In London this represents close to £1 billion annualy.

Finland found a radical yet simple solution to this: provide free accommodation to all homeless.

  • According to this article from The Guardian, Finland is the only EU country where homelessness was falling ( 2019 ).
  • It’s cheaper than the usual costs associated with homelessness, from policing to public healthcare needs required due to lack of shelter.

There is an unfortunate thought that prevents the unconditional provision of these benefits: The belief that people need to work and prove themselves in order to have minimal living conditions. I strongly believe that my grandma, my newly born nephew, and all others do not need to prove themselves to have basic conditions assured. Nobody does. This belief, known as Sufficientarianism, that everyone should have their minimum needs met, is possible and would provide the foundation for a lot of growth

In Juha Kaakinen’s words:

We decided to make the housing unconditional, to say, look, you don’t need to solve your problems before you get a home. Instead, a home should be the secure foundation that makes it easier to solve your problems.

What do you think everyone should have access to?
