The Metropolis–Hastings algorithm can be implemented in python as an Abstract Base Class using the code below. The code was designed to:

import datetime  
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod  
from typing import Generic, List, TypeVar  
import numpy as np  
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt  
from tqdm import trange  
T = TypeVar("T")  
class AbstractMetropolisHastings(ABC, Generic[T]):  
    # Based on  
    def __init__(self, initial_configuration: T):  
        self.configuration_history: List[T] = [initial_configuration]  
        self.accepted_configuration_count: int = 0  
        self.rejected_configuration_count: int = 0  
    def current_configuration(self) -> T:  
        return self.configuration_history[-1]  
    def generator_function(self) -> T:  
    def state_likelihood(self, T) -> float:  
        # This is proportional to the state probability  
    def approval_function(self, new_configuration: T) -> bool:  
        return (  
            >= self.state_likelihood(self.current_configuration) * np.random.random()  
    def run_single_iteration(self, limit_tries=10**5) -> T:  
        tries = 0  
        while True:  
            new_state = self.generator_function()  
            if self.approval_function(new_state):  
                self.accepted_configuration_count += 1  
                return new_state  
            self.rejected_configuration_count += 1  
            tries += 1  
            if tries >= limit_tries:  
                # Useful for debugging  
                tries = 0  
                limit_tries *= int(1.1)  
                print(f"{new_state:e}", end=", ")  
    def run_iterations(self, n: int) -> None:  
        pbar = trange(n, desc="Bar desc", leave=True)  
        for _ in pbar:  
            # Update the progress bar roughly once a second  
            seconds_passed = - pbar.start_t  
            n = self.rejected_configuration_count + self.accepted_configuration_count  
            iterations_per_second = 1 + int(n / seconds_passed)  
            update_frequency = 2 ** (int(np.log(iterations_per_second) / np.log(2)) - 1)  
            if n % update_frequency == 0:  
                rejection_rate = np.divide(  
                    + self.rejected_configuration_count,  
                    f"Rejected {100*rejection_rate:.1f}%",  
    def plot(self) -> None:  

Example Usage

The code required to apply the Metropolis–Hastings algorithm to the Variational Monte Carlo problem is as follows

class VMC(AbstractMetropolisHastings[float]):  
    a = [1, 0]  
    p = [.0002, 0, 0, 0]  
    sigma = 5  
    def generator_function(self):  
        return self.current_configuration + np.random.normal(0, self.sigma)  
    def state_likelihood(self, x: float):  
        # This is proportional to the state probability  
        p = self.p  
        aux_exp = lambda mu, sigma:[-1, mu, x - sigma, x - sigma])  
        return np.exp(aux_exp(p[0], p[1]) + aux_exp(p[2], p[3]))

The code above defines

  • The state space to be of type float. More complex examples might have states in by passing in the type Tuple[float, float, float], etc
  • The likelihood function to be .

With the methodology defined, we can run an example

vmc = VMC(initial_configuration=10**2)

This starts the simulation at state , runs iterations, and then plots the result. As an example, we get the result