
The content below is highly driven by ideas shared in Joshua Green’s Moral Tribes.

When looking into abortion, the main question often debated is whether it should be legalized or not. There are 2 ways I frequently see the problem being approached:

  1. We should be pro-life, meaning abortion is illegal, because all life is sacred. As much as the motivation behind it is noble, it feels misguided because it does not take into account all the problems that arise from forcing unwanted births to be carried out.
  2. We should be pro-choice, meaning abortion is legal, because a woman has full authority over her body. While the motivation is once again noble, it does not take into account all the problems that arise from late abortions, both psychological and physical

Rather than the two, positive yet misguided emotions above, it is more productive to evaluate the impact of either approach ( pro-life vs pro-choice ). My current belief is that a pro-life world results in a worse situation, since parents considering abortion

  • Don’t seek help in order not to be found pregnant.
  • Still seek abortion mechanisms, which are often primitive and unsafe.
  • Improvised abortions lead to medication complications that worsen the burden on healthcare systems.

Do reach out if you share an opposing view.

  • I should add sources for my own claims above.