When using physical qubits to represent logical Qubit, In order to correct both and flips (Bit flip and Phase Flip) in any of the physical qubits, we need at least Qubits. This is equivalent to fixing all errors with at most hamming distance .


We are using physical qubits to represent a logical Qubit. Assume we had at most 1 error in the physical qubits. By performing Measurements on the physical qubits, we are able to at most distinguish at most errors. Since we do not want to destroy our quantum state completely, we are only allowed to make Measurements, leaving one degree of freedom to hold the state of the logical Qubit. Hence we can at most distinguish states.

There are states we might be in, given by . As such we get the table:


Only for are we able to distinguish enough states so that we can correct all errors with hamming distance 1.

This limit is strict: it has been achieved using Shor’s 5 qubit error correcting code

Distance 2 error correction

Following a reasoning similar to the above, we can have 1 + 2n + \left ( \begin{array} 2n \\ 2 \end{array} \right ) = 1 + 2n + \frac{2n(2n-1)}{2} = 1 + 2n + n(2n-1) = 1+n +2n^2 possible errors, and we are still bound by the possible states we can distinguish. As such we have


This shows that we need at least physical qubits in order to correct all errors with hamming distance or lower.

General methodology

If we want to be able to correct errors with hamming distance at most , we have possible errors to correct. The least number of physical qubits needed is given by the smallest such that . This number always exists as the left hand side is exponential, where as the right hand side grows as a polynomial of degree . Since all coefficients of the polynomial are positive, once the equality holds for a given , it also holds for all integers .