From my own work on QuestPowered to the focus on Behavioral Economics book. Information Theory & Game Theory are likely candidates for sustained study and specialization. Below I aggregate some notes into the area, as I try to better understand this research field.


From Quora

Stanford has at least a few very accomplished specialists in Info Theory and a history of strength in the subject. Studying under some of these profs would definitely be an effective way to learn and advance in the field.

Princeton has Sergio Verdu who is a powerhouse, and by seeing the success of his students, he seems to be a great mentor. I had him for an undergrad class - he definitely seemed to be a good teacher. I also had one of his former students as my graduate professor in an Info Theory class. Vincent Poor at Princeton is strong in related topics. So, you’d have strong support there.

MIT of course has a history of strong Info Theory development. Claude Shannon himself was a professor there and so it has that legacy. Robert Gallager also taught at MIT. I think he’s currently a professor emeritus.

I would check into the other usual suspects: Harvard and Caltech in particular, though I don’t know which information theorists work there besides Victoria Kostina: she is a young theorist who has worked on very powerful results under Sergio Verdu at Princeton and is still expanding on that work. She started at Caltech not too long ago. I’m guessing there must be a couple of important contributors at these universities whom I’m either forgetting or don’t know about.


  • Optimal Information disclosure
  • Optimal joint decision
