The post selection problem in Infinite and Long-Range Systems

By: Anna Delmonte Keywords: Measurement induced phase transition, Holstein-Primakoff transformation

We work in a quantum circuit where based on the Measurements made, we observe different Trajectorys for our Quantum states.

Positive operator valued Measures Neural network for simulation of light-matter coupled systems

By: Gianluca Lagnese

Methods of Adiabatic Deformations in non-Hermitian quantum systems

By: Pavel Orlov Keywords: Quantum Fisher Tensor, Quantum Geometric Tensor, Berry-Tabor conjecture, Bohigas-Giannoni-Schmit conjecture, Wigner-Dyson statistics

By: Michele Fossati Keywords: relative quantum entropy, Kullback-Leibler divergence, Renyi asymmetry

Quantum Coherence in topologically frustrated quantum systems

By: Gianpaolo Torres Keywords: Entanglement entropy, Coherence, Transverse Ising Chain Model, Renyi Entropy, Clifford gates, Matrix Product State, Tensor cross interpolation algorithm