The four puzzles of cosmology, namely the origin of inflation and its termination, baryogenesis, acceleration of expansion and dark matter composition, are addressed within a new model which does not involve “epicycles” like inflaton fields with fine-tuned potentials or dark energy concept. The main assumption, motivated by the analysis of the reduced dynamics of open quantum systems embedded in the de Sitter space, is that the corresponding vacuum can be treated as a real, physical heat bath at the Gibbons-Hawking temperature proportional to the Hubble constant. This leads to the modified Friedmann equations for the Friedmann-Lemaitre-Robertson-Walker universe which predict the new mechanism of inflation and its graceful exit, mathematically similar to the model of superfluorescence in quantum optics, and additionally, a viable baryogenesis mechanism via gravitational anomaly. The same equations applied to the late Universe show inevitability of acceleration of expansion which in turn puts very specific limits on the particle spectrum beyond the Standard Model relevant for dark matter particles.
Four puzzles of Cosmology
- Mechanism of inflation and it’s graceful exit
- Accelerated expansion of late Universe
- Mechanism of baryogenesis
- Components of Dark Matter
Friedmann-Lemaitre-Robertson-Walker Universe ishomogeneous and isotropic, defined by the equation. where is a scale factor If the Hubble parameter is positive we work in the deSitter Space. Plugging in the Einstein Equations, we get the Friedmann Equations. In planck units: , ( missed one equation here) A quantum thermometer is a 2-level system or Harmonic Oscillator If a quantum thermometer is at rest in the cosmic reference frame of deSitter Space and weakly coupled to bosonic quantum field in a vacuum state, it relaxes to the Gibbs state with relaxation rates equal to those of the bosonic heat bath characterized by ( The Gibbs-Hawking Temperature)