In order to study and write up these notes, I have the following setup:
I use…
- Obsidian to write my notes locally.
- Obsidian’s Dataview to have succinct overviews of my files.
- GitHub to keep the history of my notes.
- Quartz to convert my notes into HTML.
- Netlify to deploy my local notes into this website.
- MermaidJS to render graphs ( Live Editor online ).
- LaTeX for rendering equations.
- Python’s matplotlib for generating plots.
I use…
- Jupyter to run code, making it easy to organise data analysis into notebooks.
- IntelliJ’s PyCharm Professional as my IDE, which significantly improves my code quality. I access Jupyter notebooks through PyCharm.
- Poetry for dependency management, keeping pandas / sympy / tensorflow / qiskit / all dependencies always at the latest version.
- GitHub to keep the history of my notebooks.
- nbviewer and Google’s Colab to share my work with others.
I use i3 ( Linux based ) to work. In it, I use: